STILL Li-Ion Technology in use at H. & J. Brüggen

STILL Li-Ion Technology

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Tax benefits thanks to unbeatable eco-friendliness

As the only truck of its class the STILL RX 70-60/80 gives Dutch buyers a tax benefit.

In the Netherlands eco-friendly drive technologies are rewarded with tax benefits. Thanks to its outstandingly low emissions compared to its competitors, the STILL diesel RX 70 with six to eight tons load capacity is the only truck in its class that gives its purchasers a massive tax benefit. No other supplier on the market benefits from this Dutch incentive program, because none of the competitors offer a truck with comparably low emissions.

The current tax benefit is 36 per cent. That means 36 per cent of the purchase price are exempt from taxation. Assuming a purchase price of 50 000 Euro, the net saving would amount to 4 500 Euro, for example.

Thanks to their outstanding energy efficiency, STILL trucks with lithium-ion technology in the Netherlands have also come to benefit from the tax benefits since recently. Here the same exemption of 36 per cent applies as well on the total truck price, not just on the battery.

Întrebarea critică la cumpărarea unui stivuitor: "Electric sau Diesel?"

Cheia deciziei stă în profilul operaţional al vehiculului

Care sunt avantajele stivuitoarelor electrice şi ale celor diesel? Ce tip de stivuitor se potriveşte cel mai bine pentru diverse zone de utilizare? Şi în ce condiţii asigură diversele tipuri de stivuitoare cel mai mare potenţial de economii?

Comparaţie între stivuitoarele electrice şi cele Diesel/GPL

Electrizant de bun!

Campionii inteligenţi ai eficienţei: Stivuitoarele electrice STILL

Zero emisii pentru flota dumneavoastră

La o simplă privire, comparativ cu stivuitoarele diesel: buna manevrabilitate şi performanţele hidraulice fac din stivuitoarele electrice o alternativă prietenoasă cu mediul şi o alternativa extrem de performantă.

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Un răspuns inteligent la standardele de emisii de gaze

Seria STILL RX 70

Inovaţii care aduc beneficii

Motostivuitoarele diesel sunt încă cea mai bună alegere pentru multe tipuri de activităţi. Datorită tehnologiei hibride, RX 70 este nu numai extrem de eficient energetic, ci se situează şi sub standardele şi cerinţele legale privind emisiile.

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