STILL Li-Ion Technology in use at H. & J. Brüggen

STILL Li-Ion Technology

Find more Information about the Li-Ion technology here.

Tax benefits thanks to unbeatable eco-friendliness

As the only truck of its class the STILL RX 70-60/80 gives Dutch buyers a tax benefit.

In the Netherlands eco-friendly drive technologies are rewarded with tax benefits. Thanks to its outstandingly low emissions compared to its competitors, the STILL diesel RX 70 with six to eight tons load capacity is the only truck in its class that gives its purchasers a massive tax benefit. No other supplier on the market benefits from this Dutch incentive program, because none of the competitors offer a truck with comparably low emissions.

The current tax benefit is 36 per cent. That means 36 per cent of the purchase price are exempt from taxation. Assuming a purchase price of 50 000 Euro, the net saving would amount to 4 500 Euro, for example.

Thanks to their outstanding energy efficiency, STILL trucks with lithium-ion technology in the Netherlands have also come to benefit from the tax benefits since recently. Here the same exemption of 36 per cent applies as well on the total truck price, not just on the battery.

Det afgørende spørgsmål ved køb af en gaffeltruck: "elmotor eller forbrændingsmotor?"

Indsatsområdet er afgørende

Hvor er styrken hos eldrevne gaffeltrucks i forhold til gaffeltrucks med forbrændingsmotor? Hvilke gaffeltrucks er bedst egnet til hvilke forhold? Under hvilke forudsætninger giver hvilken truck den bedste økonomi?

El-truck og motortruck i sammenligning

Elektrificerende godt!

Verdensmestre i effektivitet: STILL eldrevne gaffeltrucks

Zero emission i din truckflåde

På niveau med dieseltrucks: En høj tophastighed og hurtig løftekapacitet gør den eldrevne allround-truck til et miljøvenligt alternativ med høj omlæsningshastighed.

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Et intelligent svar på udstødningsnormerne:

STILL RX 70 serien

Innovationer, der betaler sig

Motordrevne gaffeltrucks er stadig det bedste valg for mange typer af jobs. STILL RX 70 serie er takket være hybridteknologien ikke blot yderst energieffektiv, men ligger også godt i de forhold til de juridiske normer og krav for emissioner.

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